Archive for October 25th, 2011

Leading disabled people’s charities vote to form ‘Disability Rights UK’

25 October 2011


Disability Alliance, the National Centre for Independent Living and Radar have agreed to unify to form ‘Disability Rights UK’.

After more than a year of negotiations and supporting recommendations from the current Boards of Trustees, the AGMs of the three existing charities have now formally agreed the process to unify on 1 January 2012.

Liz Sayce, Chief Executive Designate of the new Disability Rights UK, says:

“It is fantastic that the members of the three organisations have voted overwhelmingly in favour of coming together to create the largest pan-disability national organisation led by disabled people, which will enable many more disabled people to have a voice.”

The current charities have over 600 member organisations across the UK as well as over 500 individual disabled people as members. Disability Rights UK will be well placed to represent the views of all disabled people across a range of different impairment groups and health conditions.

Leading disabled people’s charities vote to form ‘Disability Rights UK’

Sandwich carers numbers are increasing

25 October 2011

John and Beth both care for their mothers and their son Nathan, 17. The couple represents what’s commonly known as ‘sandwich carers’ — people who care for a younger- and older-generation relative. Follow a day in Beth’s life to find out how she copes and where she finds support.

Watch video here 

A practical guide to caring