Response from Paul Burstow re LibDem policies for carers

Recently CarerWatch posted a response relating to a manifesto promise for carers from the LibDems.  You can read it here

We received wide spread support for the post, and also exchanged tweets with Paul Burstow, Liberal Democrat MP for Sutton and Cheam. As a result we contacted Mr Burstow asking if he wished to respond more fully to our comments.  (Many carers are tied to the home and engaging online is their only way of engaging with politicians.)

You can read his reply below……..

Feel free to add comments/questions. We will be sending copies to Mr Burstow, along with politicians from other parties.  Any replies will be posted in the open again.


A few weeks ago Nick Clegg announced the first of a series of policies for carers.  The Carer’s Bonus, £250 paid annually, on top of the Carers Allowance, for the carer to use as they see fit.  The proposal sparked a lot of debate, and CarerWatch posted a strong critique of the plan.  I am grateful for the opportunity to respond.

Caring responsibilities can come at any time in a person’s life and can exact a heavy price in both health and wealth. About 6 in 10 of us will become carers at some point in our lives, and 45% of carers have given up work to care.

The bonus idea was developed by the Liberal Democrats Ageing Society Working Group, which I chair, as part of our Age Ready Britain policy paper.

The bonus would be paid annually to Carers to use as they see fit, for example as a contribution toward extra costs such as taking a break. To start with it would be set at £125, doubling to £250 no later than 2020. The Bonus is more like a direct payment to contribute to things like respite care. It is not intended to be an answer to all the financial challenges faced by Carers.

This would put extra money in Carers’ hands to make their own decisions about how it can best support them.  The Carer’s Bonus marks out our commitment to promoting the wellbeing of carers and is the first of a number of proposals aimed at better supporting carers that we spell out in our policy paper Age Ready Britain which will be published in September.

The £250 payment would be available to around a million people based on underlying entitlement to the benefit. So, for example, pensioners who are eligible for Carers allowance but because of overlapping benefit rules do not receive it would receive the Bonus.  It would start at £125 and increase year on year to £250 no later than 2020.

The proposal builds on measures we have taken in Government like investing £400mn in NHS funded respite breaks, or new rights for Carers in the Care Act and Children and Families Act, and rights to flexible working.

I agree with the comments about the earnings disregard and the withdrawal of the benefit when engaged in education and these are issues we address on Age Ready Britain.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond.


* Paul Burstow is Liberal Democrat MP for Sutton and Cheam.




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5 Responses to “Response from Paul Burstow re LibDem policies for carers”

  1. stewilko Says:

    Reblogged this on stewilko's Blog.

  2. Charles47 Says:

    £125 – or even £250 – will do little to provide a genuine break from caring. Practically speaking, it pays for around 12 hours for paid care workers – so if the person you care for (alone) is assessed as needing two care workers, you get about 6 hours’ break to last the year.

    Speaking personally, it simply doesn’t add up, and is simply tokenistic vote bait.

  3. Angela Kennedy (@AcademicAnge) Says:

    Plus – it’s only paid to those on carer’s allowance. Those of us doing, say, 105 hour weeks ON TOP of even extremely meagre wages outside the home (in order for the family to survive!) cannot claim carer’s allowance!

  4. Swheatie of the Kilburn Unemployed Workers Group Says:

    Perhaps the term “the first of a series of policies for carers” suggests “we’ll make up our policies as we go along”?

    Kilburn Unemployed Workers Group members speak with jobseekers in their 50s outside jobcentres who have caring responsibilities for ageing parents. Those carers would rather not be forced by law to ‘volunteer’ for charities 90 minutes daily travel time away from home. They would rather be available to support their parents more immediately than such commuting distances allow.

    What will Lib Dems do to change such nasty laws?

    Alan Wheatley

  5. danymous Says:

    £125, or even £250, is such a derisory sum that I find it hard to believe that anyone making this announcement has the slightest idea of what living as a full-time carer is like. Now, offering the minimum wage for 35 to 75 hours per week, depending upon the needs of one’s charge, would be more agreeable. Make it £250 per week, not per year, and that would make more sense. Paul Burstow, stop using carers as a political football, and find out what carers really need and really want. Go on, ask to have a chat with me. I’ll hold my breath waiting for your reply. Oh, wait a minute, I WON’T hold my breath waiting for your reply. Though, considering how much you really care (well, in my view) I might as well hold my breath. Though, breathing or not, my caring responsibilities have, after 25 years, just about done me in.

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